Welcome to the new St. Anselm's BSA Troop 13 web site. We're moving to a full-featured web site to give Scouts an opportunity to complete some of the Digital Technology requirements in a controlled environment and to provide a new format for both the Webmaster and Historian roles. I expect that the content may not always be as polished as a professional site, but it will be reflective of our Troop and it's Scout Spirit.
Monday, February 3rd
Type: Meeting
Location: Melitia Hall
Monday, February 10th
Type: Meeting
Location: Melitia Hall
Friday, February 14th
To hide observances, go to Google Calendar Settings > Holidays in United States
Saturday, February 15th
Description: Red Cross First Aid
Rank Requirements (Tenderfoot, First and Second Class)
First Aid MB
Health Care Professionals MB
Monday, February 17th
Public holiday
Monday, February 24th
Type: Meeting
Location: Melitia Hall
Tuesday, February 25th
Description: Cub Scout Webelos II Crossing Over/Arrow of Light Ceremony
Monday, March 3rd
Type: Meeting
Location: Melitia Hall